Writing galore!

Ink Blots is my review blog, my writing blog, where I update with anything and everything about my progress with writing, as well as review books, films, and video games that I want to share with you. :) Enjoy!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Time to write!

I wish.

Increasingly I find myself wanting to write more - wanting to get on with it, find ways of writing something creative every day. But it's difficult finding the time. I have other things which always seem to take priority - college work, eating, sleeping enough. This could be because it's the first exam period of the year, and I seem to be getting a lot more work from other subjects apart from the one I have an exam in - probably purely because they don't want me to ignore their subjects. Grr.

It's not just writing that's been placed somewhat on the back burner. Other hobbies seem to have less time spent on them at the moment too. Beading hasn't really made any progress lately although I did get some lovely green wooden ones from China which took 3 weeks to arrive, so I've got something in mind for those when I find the time. Art too, hasn't been progressing as much as I'd like it to, but then again it's better than last year or the year before. I do draw a lot more than I used to and for that alone I'm happy. And then I feel like I should be keeping fit but do I honestly have the time, besides making sure I do little things like walking up to the bus terminal and not catching the bus from town to college? Not really.

The only thing I do find time for is reading. I'm probably a little more enthused for this than usual because of the pile of 8 books I accumulated over Christmas. It might be this which has got me very stoked to write something of my own, and of course it's always helped to read something someone else has written to get your own ideas flowing.

There's another underlying reason behind wanting to write more. Not only because I'd love to get something novel-shaped finished, but I've been thinking of careers - journalism, perhaps. There's the question over whether I'd really like to write for a living, whether I would love it or whether it would become too much of a chore and I'd never write anything remotely creative again, but I think that's a blog post for another day.